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How to know scam PTC from the first look.

Scam sites are everywhere, but how to discover them? In this article I'll teach you how to figure out that this PTC is related to a scammer easily from first look.


There are certain people that own and promote the same scam sites but with different names and domains. I myself used to attend their sites and hope to make extra funds with them, but the result was always a pain in the neck and a big waste of my time.

So, this is an easy thing to do. You can buy an unlicensed version of the evolution script or a licensed one and start scamming others, wasting their time and effort and money if they invest in your site.

But there are signs of those scam sites that they have that rotten smell that is reeking out of them.

So the signs of a cam PTC from first look appearance Are:

Unlicensed script:

Basically, buying an unlicensed version of the evolution script simply means that the site can be easily penetrated by bots and this means fake visits to pages, which simply means no earnings from CPM banners.

And it also refers to the financial situation of the owner who is unwilling or unable to pay for a licensed version of the script.

Also, experienced promoters will never buy advertisements on such a site, which will lead to more losses and no resources for the owner to fund the payment of his members.

You can easily check the version of the evolution script by adding the link to the site to this checking page here.

Repeated welcoming post in forum:

a trap
.Making a stupid scam in a rush will never allow the fake new admin to right a new speech every time he welcomes his new victims. So all you have to do here is to go to the news section in the forum and to remember the welcome post, and please remember this post if you read.
The admin has 10 years experience in PTC.
Looks fantastic. He has been doing this rubbish for 10 years now. He must be proud of himself.

Very high cashout limit:

This is a very stupid way to delay the scam status because about letting people click for 2 or 3 months before starting complaining about payments will bring him time to get referrals for other (legit) sites from banners and ads and will let him make some money form CPM banners as well.

They can easily make a licensed script site with 1 cent earnings for free users and a cashout limit of 2$. This will take 200 days till you can reach the cashout limit.

Also, this will make some college members invest and start the circle of rented referrals and upgrades.

Most legitimate sites are scam as well. You will never earn anything from a clique family. For example, unless you use them as a free user, check this video and remember that subscribe button never killed anyone before:


Certain promoters in emoneyspace :

It is obvious that some guys are the owners of the scam sites that started promoting and get the highest and first payments from those scam sites and this will allow you to know the scam sites from the first look as well.

Bad repeated design:

As I said before, making a new troll site in a rush makes the owners use the same design with small differences between each site (as if you see the same site with a different logo and colors), even this kind of garbage still needs creativity. But who cares a long an s the same members join every new scam site every time. Not only that, they give a salute to the admin every time and thank him for his new invention.. !!??

I really consider all of these points when checking a new PTC site, and they help me to 

knew PTC scam from the first look.

If you like this article and like what i adding here please give me your opinion and your experiences and If I forget anything  please remind me of it to be added, and thank you for visiting my blog.