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You must invest in these coins.


If you think that the moon coins are going to make you go anywhere, then you are 100% wrong.

There are many factors you have to be familiar with before risking your money on a certain coin, such as, for instance, a price cycle which means that the prices must go from up to down and in reverse.

Basically, this topic will  talk about how to make a mixture of all layers and types of currencies within your portfolio, because of the following points:

The most trusted currencies as an investment.

Any investor must consider safety as a priority. This will lead us to think of the safest coins to fill a big part of the portfolio. And this is the easiest part of the market here, because classic currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, TRX, ADA, XRP and many more of them have a huge market cap even in a bull market and this means their prices (theoretically) will never drop and the probability of loss is very limited. But on the other hand, their prices will never rise as much as other new coins, because in every price cycle or each 4 to 5 years, a new generation of coins with new projects and new technologies appear and steal the light and expand in price.

The second  part of currencies as an investment.

This kind of currency here is not layer 2 currencies that add services and scaling to layer 1 coins even though most of them are found here, but they are the currencies that may get a great rise in price during the next 2 years. Yet they are still safer investments than the newly released ones.

In the past two years, many new currencies, like Avalanche, Immutable X, Polygon, Acala token, Polkadot, Solana, Chromia, Hedera,, dYdX, Jasmy coin, Powerledger, Cake, Burger.

The third  part of currencies as an investment.

The ones that have potential in their projects and may give you the highest earnings, but this is not everything because these currencies still may make you lose all the money you invest in them, and all of us still remember LUNA's incident and how investors lost big sums after its collapse.

Anyway, there are many options for class 3 currencies to buy. As I said before, technology is in non-stop development and many new coins and tokens will appear to fix and to solve previous problems or to provide new services.

Another important thing to remember and to consider:
For me, I do not believe in the Metaverse nor in games coins. All of them are rubbish and have no future. The NFT's and meme coins are only old-fashioned moda that will never lead investors anywhere.

You can search for these assets (I will buy them):
Aptos, Optimism, IoTex, IDEX, Arbitrum, Cartesi, Bigert, Electroneum.

Remember that any purchase you make is your own responsibility and remember not to lose faith in the crypto field even though they are always trying to make you do.