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How to Trade Cryptocurrencies Like a Pro with Damascene Sayings

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You must be wondering about the connection between Syrian damascene merchants and trading crypto currencies, well I am Amer from Damascus, the city with huge value in old world economy, and I know that the old Damascne people were honest, clever and experts in making money field.

Continue reading this helpful funny article it will help you seeing the matter from another point of view. Why? 

What is cryptocurrency? 

Cryptocurrencies are a new and rapidly growing financial industry. They are digital or virtual tokens that use cryptography to secure their transactions and to control the creation of new units. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning they are not subject to government or financial institution control. There are hundreds of cryptocurrencies available, and each has its own unique features and benefits.

How to Trade Cryptocurrencies?

Before you can trade cryptocurrencies, you need to understand the basics of how they work. Cryptocurrencies are a new and rapidly growing financial industry. Before you can trade cryptocurrencies, you need to understand the basics of how they work. Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual tokens that use cryptography to secure their transactions and to control the creation of new units. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning they are not subject to government or financial institution control. There are hundreds of cryptocurrencies available, and each has its own unique features and benefits.

What are the benefits of trading cryptocurrencies?

1. Cryptocurrencies provide an efficient and secure way to conduct transactions.

2. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning they are not regulated by a single authority.

3. Cryptocurrencies offer an opportunity to make money by investing in them.

4. Cryptocurrencies are not subject to government or financial institution interference.

5. Cryptocurrencies are not subject to inflation or deflation.

6. Cryptocurrencies offer an opportunity to make money by trading them.

What are the risks of trading cryptocurrencies?

1. The volatility of cryptocurrencies can be extremely high, which can lead to significant losses.

2. Cryptocurrencies are not regulated or backed by any government or institution, which means that they are not protected from economic or political instability.

3. Cryptocurrencies are vulnerable to theft and fraud.

4. Cryptocurrencies are not immune to price manipulation.

5. Cryptocurrencies are not legal tender, which means that they cannot be used in transactions that are governed by the law.

6. Cryptocurrencies are not immune to price manipulation by governments or financial institutions.

7. Cryptocurrencies are not immune to cyber-attacks.

8. Cryptocurrencies are not immune to economic crises.

How people in Damascus trade?

Damascus historical and economic value.

Damascus, a city with a rich history.

Damascus has been a major city for centuries and has a rich history. It is famous for its monuments and architecture, including the Umayyad Mosque and its citadel. Damascus is also known for its food and  the city has a diverse population, including Muslims, Christians, and Jews. It is a popular tourist destination, with attractions including the souks. 

The Damascus merchants have a long and rich history.

Because of the fact that Damascus is the old inhabited capital in the world, and because of its location in the middle of the old world, the middle of the silk road, my city has a very rich pholychlor because of the cultural legacy it has. Muslim Arabs, Muslim Ottoman Turks and the French Mandate were centered around the role of Damascus in trade and commerce.

And as a result of  the mixture of all previous valuable reasons, those people summed up their wisdom in those few proverbs.

Damascene sayings that will help you with making money with cryptocurrency trading

If you want to eat number 10, you must feed the first 9 to others.

It is really hard to form this sentence in English, but it simply refers to the necessity of concluding all the steps and their expenses, and not being dreamy and greedy, because making money process has its obstacles and not a road strewn with roses. Rather, it is more like the consistency of a mountain in stages.

Do not be selfish, and do not be afraid. Be patient and reasonable.

Your white cent will help you in your dark days.

You need to keep a reserve in your capital for time of need, mainly because in times of prosperity, if it’s right to say, people spend money insanely and regret doing it afterwards, so why would you sell at a loss? And why would you buy coins when their prices are high? While you can snatch chances from time to time, all smart crypto-traders do not rush into spending money meaninglessly.

Let the broom wear a dress, then it will look like a lady.

It means don't be fooled by appearances, or never judge a book by its cover.
How is this related to cryptocurrencies? It's absolutely related to this topic. Don't all crypto-traders remember how they started scaring everyone of Solana and how it gave 300%  after less than 2 months to those who bought it for $8?

Do not put all your eggs in one basket.

It's risky to rely on one source of income or to invest in certain coins among all others, because no one knows which is the next LUNA. Market makers may destroy any coin any time, this means we must keep a variety of coins and tokens in our portfolio. For more info please read this article:

Don't say beans till you see them in your baskets.

Meaning do not say I got my beans even if you paid for them till you see them delivered to you.
This one gives us a little advice with a big value: Do not put 100%  trust on anything you hear from the media and influencers, keep a reasonable percentage of doubt to keep yourself from being a victim of fraud and fake news.

Not every man who lays trays of sweets is a sweet maker.

Do not trust strangers.
People who pretend to be experts in something they have newly learned are increasing at every moment. Because of the snowball effect, as I say, every person who gets scammed on the web and has no manners may like this trend, and may want to take revenge by scamming others.
Or let's say that everyone has the right to give his opinion about anything these days, not because his opinion is right, not at all, just because he can do this on crypto news or crypto market social media pages.

Follow the owl and it will lead you to destruction.

Arabs have a very pessimistic view of owls, so when you call someone an owl, this means that he is (jinx), and following his instructions will bring only bad luck to you, or in other words will bring ruin to your Interests.
And guess how I mean, inflencuers and youtubers that may give you guides that may affect your earnings in a bad way.
Usually it refers to listening to others foolishly and blindly.

He tried to put kohl on an eye so he made it blind.

This traditional proverb is about those who try to solve a problem but in wrong ways, and this leads to disastrous results.
Like when you buy a coin that had a big sudden increase in price because you think it wil explode more and more, but the result is that you bought it at the very peak of its price when some whales made a quick pump that will be followed by a dump.
Do not think emotionally.

An ear made of mud and an ear made of dough

This is when you never listen to logic. Especially when someone gives you real good advice.

But how not to listen to others because they will lead us to loss, and then we are asked to listen to others? The answer is easy: build your own knowledge and experiences, and watch videos and read articles, then go back to watching and learning. After a couple of months, you can build your own knowledge base, so that you can start building your strategy on it.

If you want to confuse him, let him choose

Many options, and many offers may lead to confusion, because any person's mind will be disorganized when it has many opportunities and you can not be sure any of them are the best choice for them.  And so do any of us when listens to many advisors and watches too many coins. Especially when his capital is small and he wants to optimize his earnings and doesn't know how.

Have a strategy and accept your earnings and your mistakes, build your own knowledge base, to choose properly.

A donkey doesn't fall in the same hole twice

It is rude to call someone a donkey. Really, it is a very big insult to anyone if you compare hime with a donkey or a mule in intelligence, but even though donkeys are still smart animals, because old villagers in Syia used to teach their donkeys how to transport goods in the mountains on their own, even smugglers do this trick to send their drugs from a place to another without being caught.

People here remind themselves that even donkeys don't repeat their mistakes, and I know that we all did the same mistake more than once after we were fooled by the media. Read this article to find out more:



Our Damascene traditions are unique, like I said before, because they are a mixture of the traditions of all civilizations passed at the heart of the old world, Damascus.